The perfect way to carry drugs or vaccines at the correct temperature Icepacks Plastica Take a look at the options we offer.
We manufacture high standards icepacks
We design and produce ice packs various types and shapes, from 100gr to 1200gr in shapes such as plywood, frame, oval, envelope, wavy slim etc.
Ideal storage conditions!
Variety of sizes
We analyzed climatic conditions and we offer a huge range of icepacks that will meet all your needs
Long defrosting time
We designed our ice packs so as to keep cooling your products for more than 24 hours, depending on the type of package you choose.
Non toxic
Ice packs gel Plastica product is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, certified according to ISO 9001 and EN ISO 12546-3: 2000 and EBETAM.MIRTEC - DIMOKRITOU certifications.
For all of you
Ice Packs Plastica is ideal for drug companies, food as well as for private use such as camping, fishing or anywhere special storage temperatures are required.
Icepacks. Plastica
The perfect way to transfer drugs, vaccines, food or beverages at the ideal temperature.
1000 gr
500 gr
200 gr
Special shape for soft drinks
Icepacks Plastica have special shape.
Figure custom
Icepacks Plastica are built to "embrace" the refreshments and to keep them frozen.
Suitable for food
Icepacks Plastica is food grade certified to ISO 9001:2008 - EN ISO 12546-3:2000 – ΕVΕΤΑΜ (MIRTEC)
In pharmaceutical warehouse where i work, we need two pallets of ice packs immediately to carry vaccines in ideal temperature conditions. In 1 business days we had an excellent product in our hands.
I am camping lover. Ice packs Plastica keep my food and drinks cold for more than 24 hours.
2 days it took to receive the ice packs in my pastry shop and I transfer my sweets to the ideal temperature.
high standardsIcepacks
We choose the most rigorous procedures for our raw materials and this ensures that we will Perrette a product that is suitable for food, environmentally friendly, but above all it will use for years.